I stand with SAFE Austin to create safe spaces in our community.

I came across a comment in an online social media group that completely disturbed me. Members of a holiday projection mapping group were plotting how to play inappropriate adult content on projection displays to unsuspecting families.

This completely disgusted and disturbed me. This type of behavior is abhorrent.

I have reported the comment and group to the social media administrators.

As a visual artist who projects multimedia in a public space, I have an obligation to the community to ensure the content I am projecting is appropriate.

Because of this, I’m taking a strong ethical stand.


I will not project inappropriate content in a public space for any reason.

In addition to this, I will ensure that any art project integrated into a publicly accessible space has proper security protocols in place (such as secure networking, encryption, firewalls, and other security protocols) to prevent bad actors from exploiting my art projects for anything other than their intended use.


visual artist

In addition to this oath:

I pledge to donate 100% of my booking fees
for any visual mixing gig booked in 2023 to:

Happy New Year!

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